Home CertificatesC# Ultimate ASP.NET Core Web API Development Guide

Ultimate ASP.NET Core Web API Development Guide

by Psydis

Contenuto del corso

✅ Sezione 1: Introduction

1.   Introduction
2.   Fundamental REST API Development Principles

✅ Sezione 2: Environment Configuration

3.   Install Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition
4.   Setup GitHub Account
5.   Install and Explore PostMan

✅ Sezione 3: Project Setup and Configurations

6.   Create ASP.NET Core API Project with Visual Studio
7.   Create ASP.NET Core API Project with Visual Studio Code
8.   Explore ASP.NET Core API Project and Explore Swagger UI
9.   .NET 6 vs Previous Versions
10.  CORS Configuration
11.   Configure Serilog and Seq
12.   Review and Add Changes to GitHub

✅ Sezione 4: Database Modelling and Entity Framework

13.   Section Overview
14.   Setup Entity Framework In API Project
15.   Implement Data Classes and Perform Migrations
16.   Seed Data In Tables
17.   Review and Add Changes to GitHub

✅ Sezione 5: Scaffolding API Functionality

18.   Section Overview
19.   Scaffolding Controllers and Actions
20.   Test and Understand POST Endpoint
21.   Test and Understand GET Endpoints
22.   Test and Understand PUT Endpoint
23.   Test and Understand DELETE Endpoint
24.   Review and Add to GitHub

✅ Sezione 6: REST API Development Best Practices

25.   Section Review
26.   Refactor POST Method with Data Transfer Object
27.   Introducing AutoMapper
28.   Refactor GET Methods
29.   Refactor PUT Method
30.   Implement Repository Pattern – Part 1
31.   Implement Repository Pattern – Part 2
32.   Refactor Controller to Use Repository
33.   Review and Add to GitHub

✅ Sezione 7: Creating Additional API Behaviours

34.   Section Review
35.   Scaffolding Controller and Actions
36.   Setup Repository
37.   Setup Data Transfer Objects and Refactor Controller
38.   Testing Changes
39.   Review and Add to GitHub

✅ Sezione 8: Securing Your API

40.   Section Overview
41.   Setup User Identity Core
42.   Add Default User Roles
43.   Setup Auth Manager For Registration
44.   Setup Registration Endpoint
45.   Setup Login Endpoint
46.   Implement JWT Authentication – Part 1
47.   Implement JWT Authentication – Part 2
48.   Protecting Endpoints
49.   Implement Refresh Tokens
50.   *FIX* – Refresh Token With Login
51.   Review and Add Changes to GitHub

✅ Sezione 9: Value Added Features

52.   Add Logging
53.   Global Error Handling
54.   Implementing API Versioning
55.   Implement Caching
56.   Implement Paging
57.   Exploring OData
58.   Project Architectural Changes
59.   Repository Refactor
60.   Controller Refactor
61.   Add JWT Authentication to Swagger Doc
62.   Review and Add Changes to GitHub

✅ Sezione 10: API Hosting and Deployment (IIS and Azure)

63.   Create Microsoft Azure Account
64.   Deploy Application and Database to Microsoft Azure

✅ Sezione 11: Conclusion

65.   Conclusion

✅ Sezione 12: Bonus Section

66.   Bonus Lecture


Teacher: Trevoir Williams

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